Thursday, November 22, 2007


I am sorry to let this "thing" go. I have been really surprised as to how much I have learnt and how much fun I had. Initially I did'nt really want to do this but now that I am at the end, I do not want to finish. I have learnt things that I may never use again but at least I know what people are using and talking about. My favourites were YouTube and Flickr. I have been challenged and frustrated. But most importantly I have embraced new technology and have had a positive experrience.


Sorry about lack of communication, had a lot of work to do. I had a look at the World fair site. I is an excellent site. I no not want "hard copy" to ever go away though as I am a collector of rare books ( 1860's shakespeare complete works-10 vol is my best find!!) But as a positive what a great tool for the disabled and the blind.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Podcasting mark 2

Have downloaded software for podcasting. As you have already seen, I love cats and animals in general. I have found a great podcast series sponsored by Purina petfood about pet health and care. I hope to add it to my blog when I figure that out. I used PODCAST ALLEY. COM. Podcasting would be a great tool for simple and quick training for library staff and the public in general.


I do not have the software installed to do this bit. Our I.T guy is off having a baby!!! God bless them!!! So I will have to wait a few more days.


Just a quick note: I could get lost with Youtube!!!I chose these clips for various reasons. I love classic comedy particularly english and the Goodies are my all time favourite. I love early Robin Williams stuff too. And of course, I love cats!!! I am getting two Abysinnians for christmas, Honest!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


There are some really excellent and interesting websites out there. I have chosen a few that I think are both thought provoking and also fun. I have put a couple on my page elements spot.

Friday, October 26, 2007


I checked out Thinkfree and Zoho. What nifty little tools these web apps are. Just did a bit of cut and paste and sent it to my blog. It worked!!




The availability and use of online productivity web-based applications
(eg: word processing and spreadsheets) has exploded over the past two years.

These powerful applications provide users with the ability to create and share documents over the internet without the need of installed desktop applications.

Some experts speculate that this emerging trend may mean the death to Microsoft Office and other software-based productivity tools, while others think web-based applications have their place, but not in the office.

But no matter which side of the office suite platform you side with, on this both sides seem to agree; web-based applications have their place.

One large benefit to web-based applications it that they eliminate the need to worry about different software versions or file types as you email documents or move from PC to PC.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More Wikis- sandbox

As i said earlier, I really love wikis. I love being able to contribute to something, see the comments and feedback.

Library Cat II


Library Cat II
Originally uploaded by p373

too much study time


too much study time
Originally uploaded by *Fly*

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


There is a lot to take in with having access to so many blogs. I can see Technorati's usefulness if you read a lot of blogs. This is one of my faves:



Yay!!! What a brilliant tool!! There is no limit to how wikis could be used.


This is the new digital lifestyle. The web has become more than just a search tool. It will be a way of life: meaning that the internet will touch every facet of our existance. Essentially it effects everything we do. Your mobile and nonmobile devices—PDA, MP3, laptop, cell phone, camera, PC, TV, always online, connected to one another and to the Web. With this comes the changes in our work environment, educating patrons when we can, and asking what new technologies or new materials users need. Its the adaption of the internet to a more personal environment.

Bookmark everything! This Sounds like fun!! Bookmarking a lot makes it easy to find your stuff again. There are also several bookmarklets available that make it much easier to collect stuff with Tag it too!!!. use as many as you want. But they tell me I would need to clean it up once in a while. Too much info maybe? I have made an account. So will now have to use it!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rollyo Stuff

I have just learnt about another useful tool. It seems to me that there are far too many useful tools to chose from. I do not know at the moment which one I would use the most.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Books from my library

This week's "thing" was interesting. I like having my own cyber library. Got no idea how to add the link though.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Image Generators

How much fun is this weeks tasks!!!! Image generator are so much fun!!! Will be adding a few when I figure it out!! here is my first one :

My bacterium classification is Acetofilamentum Acetomicrobium.
Take The Bacterial Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Well, this week was a bit tricky. Not as difficult as to what I've been told though. Its a great idea to have all my faves going into one spot. Only posted 5. Will find more later. Checked out Technorati. So cool!!! I especially loved the travel blogs. You can find any blog on any subject. Excellent! Feedster is a great little tool as well.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The week that was

Do we have the time, the knowledge, or even the interest in understanding or even using new technologies? Personally, its not for me to be wasting large quantities of precious time on them( and let's face it, time is precious!) as I have so much more to do. Sometimes learning something new is like chasing your own tail. Round and round I go but going nowhere until finally I catch it. I'm a bit perplexed though with all these new technological terms that I should be learning. The list of web sites and tools that are becoming more and more heavily used in the workplace and at home are overloading. There is no doubt that Email is convenient, but what has happened to face to face communication? Where has everyone gone? They are all sitting in front of the monitors of the world, buying crap on ebay or talking to some weirdo in "my space".


Originally uploaded by elkemccormick35

PHEW!!!!! This took me an hour to make, but it was worth it. There are a lot of fun stuff you can do on Flickr. I really like the idea of massups. They are great marketing tools. I used Trade Card Maker for this. Have a look at Search Chrystal as well.

Time is of the essence.

My question for all the people out there doing this course is: WHO HAS THE TIME?!!!! Just from my own personal experience so far, 2.0 is sooooo time consuming. Who are all these library people around the place working so hard on this. Don't they have any other work to do?????

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Brain Pain!!!!

MY BRAIN IS HURTING!!!! So much information, so much learning going on!!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sampaguita 1


Sampaguita 1
Originally uploaded by mykl mabalay
The eyes are the windows to the soul so they say. Have you ever considered how many times a day you look into someone elses eyes? What do you see? The joy, the pain, the love, the heartache? Or perhaps the strength, the endurance, the spirit of a person. Stop and think for a moment as you look at these eyes, what a life they may have seen. It gives you pause for thought, doesn't it?
#5 flickr

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

the beginning

So here we are!!! blogging away not really knowing what I am doing. feeling quite unwell and not really in the mood. Have regrets about signing up and just generally feeling very apathetic. Hopefully as the weeks progress my demeanor will change. It will be interesting to see. One thing I must add: I never knew what a blog was until now. So I am learning already!!!!